Problems With Ear Wax

Problems With Ear Wax

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is produced by a specialized gland inside the ear and is made up of dead skin cells, fatty acids, and cholesterol. It can be orange, brown, red, gray, yellow, or white in color, and may feel dry and flaky or moist and sticky. Ear wax keeps the sensitive skin inside the ears lubricated and helps protect the eardrums from bacteria, dust, and debris. However, too much ear wax can cause problems, which otolaryngologist Dr. Jason Hanson and Dr. Jonathan Lusardi want to discuss with their patients at Northwest Otolaryngology in Bridgeton, Missouri. Common questions about the removal and complications of ear wax are discussed here?

How can ear wax cause problems?

As your Bridgeton otolaryngologist briefly discussed above, ear wax is a very useful substance. It naturally migrates toward the outer ear by the movement of the jaw (similar to the way a conveyer belt works). However, this process can be interrupted with the usage of cotton swabs, which may be inserted too far into the ear and push the wax backwards toward the eardrum. This can be a recurrent issue if the body overproduces cerumen. This is called impaction and may lead to pain, dizziness, or hearing loss.

How do I remove earwax safely?

If you think you may have impacted ear wax, a visit to your Bridgeton otolaryngologist is advised. Dr. Hanson and Dr. Lusardi have the proper tools and treatments to safely dislodge the trapped wax. To prevent another bout of impaction, doctors suggest using a softening solution - such as mineral oil, baking soda and water, or a specific medication - or a syringe of warm water to loosen up the wax and bring it to the opening of the ear. Avoid using cotton swabs or other tools to prevent further impaction or eardrum perforation.

Contact Northwest Otolaryngology in Bridgeton and O'Fallon, MO for all of your ear, nose, and throat-related needs. We can be reached at (314) 291-5307 for our Bridgeton office; the number for our O'Fallon location is (636) 379-6006.