Are You Dealing With an Ear Infection?

Are You Dealing With an Ear Infection?

Here are some ways to tell whether you or your child is dealing with an ear infection.

Symptoms of an ear infection usually appear rather suddenly, so it’s common to be awakened from sleep by a throbbing pain in the ear. Of course, as your Bridgeton MO ENT doctors Dr. Jason Hanson and Dr. Jonathan Lusardi, we understand the importance of being able to pinpoint warning signs of an ear infection in yourself, your children, and even a newborn. Besides your ENT Doctor Bridgeton practice, you can also contact their office in O'Fallon MO.

Signs of an Ear Infection

Most people can tell when they are dealing with an ear infection from these classic symptoms:

  • Ear pain
  • Pressure/fullness in the ears
  • Loss of hearing
  • Muffled hearing

These symptoms are more common if you are dealing with an inner ear infection. So, what might you experience if you have an outer or middle ear infection? With an outer ear infection (called otitis externa), you'll notice redness, swelling, and pain on the outer part of the ear.

With a middle ear infection, you will experience ear pain that is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Since an inner ear infection could be a sign of another more serious problem you must visit your ENT Doctor Bridgeton practice right away.

Signs of Ear Infections in Newborns and Children

If your child is old enough, they'll communicate when they are experiencing ear pain, pressure, or difficulty hearing. These symptoms warrant seeing a doctor as soon as possible. Of course, if you have a newborn or toddler, they won’t be able to verbally tell you that something is wrong; however, here are some other clues:

  • Increased irritability and fussiness
  • Crying whenever lying down
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Pulling or tugging at the ear
  • Not responding to certain sounds or voices
  • Discharge coming from the ear
  • Redness and swelling of the ear

If you suspect that you or your child have an ear infection you can easily talk to one of our ENT doctors without having to step foot in our Bridgeton MO, office. Not only does Northwest Otolaryngology offer in-office care to those in the Bridgeton and O’Fallon MO areas.

Concerned about an ear infection? Call Drs. Jason Hanson and Jonathan Lusardi at (314) 291-5307 for the Bridgeton office, or (636) 379-6006 for the O'Fallon office.